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Source language
Nederlands Goedemorgen
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Vertalings gedaan
Hongaars Jó reggelt!
Source language
Engels Living fish swims underwater.
Living fish swims underwater.
This translation is a game. I'm looking for words sound like the followings:
"Eleven hal úszik a víz alatt" as:
"Alive fish swims the water under"
So when fish is not like "hal", then it could be changed to "whale", for that is more similar and the meaning is not far from the original.
So please write a translation that has a similar meaning and even more similar sounds, as much as possible.

Vertalings gedaan
Yslands Fiskur á lífi syndir undir yfirborðinu.
Iers Maireann an tiasc beo fé uisce
Source language
Engels Reject-or-edit?
Reject or edit?

Vertalings gedaan
Turks Ret-veya-düzenle?
Nederlands Afwijzen-of-veranderen?
Duits Ablehnen oder bearbeiten?
Esperanto Rifuzi aÅ­ prilabori?
Frans Rejeter-ou-éditer?
Japannees Reject-or-edit?
Russies Отказать или редактировать?
Katalaans Refusar-o-editar?
Spaans ¿Rechazar-o-editar?
Sloweens Sprejmi ali popravi?
Sjinees vereenvoudig 拒绝-或-编辑?
Arabies ارفض-أو-حرّر؟
Italiaans rifiutare-o-modificare?
Bulgaars Не приеамай - или - поправи
Romeens Respinge-sau-redacta
Portugees Rejeitar-editar
Hebreeus ?לדחות או לערוך
Albanies Refuzoje-ose-përmirësoje
Pools Odrzucić czy edytować?
Sweeds Avslå eller redigera?
Deens Afvis eller rediger?
Hongaars Visszautasítás-vagy-szerkesztés?
Fins Hylkää-vai-muokkaa
Serwies Odbiti-ili-izmeniti?
Grieks Απορρίπτω-ή-αλλάζω;
Hindi अस्वीकार करें या संपादित करें?
Sjinees 回拒—或—修正?
Kroasies Odbiti-ili-urediti?
Noors Reject-or-edit?
Koreaans 거부하시겠습니까? 편집하시겠습니까?
Tsjeggies Zamítnout-nebo-editovat?
Farsie-Persies رد کردن-یا-ویرایش؟
Koerdies Red an jî sererast?
Slowaaks Zamietnuť alebo editovať?
Iers Dúiltiú no athrú?
Afrikaans Verwerp-of-redigeer?
Mongools Татгалзах уу эсвэл засварлах уу?
Viëtnamees Từ chối hoặc sá»­a đổi?
Source language
Engels Accomplished-translator.-translation.
Take into account the amount of work accomplished by the translator. If there are only a few words to modify or a point to add, we advise you to edit the translation and accept it. You won't get any points for editing but you get points each time you accept or reject a translation.

Vertalings gedaan
Nederlands Volbracht-vertaler.-vertaling
Duits Arbeit-Ãœbersetzer-Ãœbersetzung
Esperanto farita-tradukisto-traduko
Frans Traducteur.-l'accepter.-l'acceptation.
Katalaans Realitzat-traductor-traducció
Spaans Realizado-traductor-traducción
Japannees Accomplished-translator.-translation.
Sloweens zavzet prevajalec
Sjinees vereenvoudig 完成-译员-译文
Arabies منجز-مترجم.-ترجمة.
Italiaans Traduttore.-accettare-consenso
Turks Bitmiş - Çevirmen - Çeviri
Bulgaars извършена-преводач-превод
Romeens Efectuat-translator-traducere
Portugees Tradução-concluida-tradutor
Russies Выполненный-переводчик-перевод
Hebreeus בוצעה - מתרגם - תרגום
Albanies pergezimet per perkthyesin.-perkthim
Sweeds Mängden jobb
Deens Lagt-i-oversætter-oversættelse
Hongaars Elvégzett-fordító.-fordítás.
Grieks Περατωμένη-μεταφραστής-μετάφραση
Serwies Zavrsen-prevod.-prevod.
Fins Hyväksytty-kääntäjä-käännös
Sjinees 資深的-譯員。-譯文。
Kroasies Zavrsen-prevod.-prevod.
Pools Skończone-tłumacz-tłumaczenie
Engels Accomplished-punctuation-translation
Noors Accomplished-translator-translation
Koreaans 완성-구두적-번역
Tsjeggies Provedené-interpunkci-překlad
Farsie-Persies انجام شده-نقطه گذاری-تجمه
Slowaaks Prekladateľ - akceptovať- súhlas
Iers Aistriúchán le aistritheoir oilte
Hindi संपन्न-विराम चिह्न-अनुवाद
Afrikaans Uitvoering-leestekens-vertaling
Viëtnamees Đi vào tài khoản
Source language
When there are too many errors, please look at the profile of the translator. If the translator is new to, please send him or her a personal message including the reasons of the rejection.

Vertalings gedaan
Turks Ç
Duits Ãœ
Sloweens zavrnitev prevoda
Sjinees vereenvoudig 翻译者拒绝。
Arabies مترجم.-كوكوميس.منظ-رفض.
Bulgaars Преводачотказ
Romeens GreÅŸeli-profil-mesaj
Portugees tradutor-novato-rejeitado
Russies Переводчикотказ.
Hebreeus When there are too many errors
Albanies pë
Sweeds Avslag
Deens Oversæ
Hongaars fordító visszautasítás
Fins Kääntäjäääminen
Sjinees 翻譯者拒絕
Grieks Μεταφραστήςαπόρριψη
Engels Translator-including-rejection
Koreaans 번역가-포함되어 있는-거절
Tsjeggies Překladatele-včetně-odmítnutí
Farsie-Persies مترجم-شامل-ارجاع
Slowaaks Prekladateľ - správa obsahujúca - zamietnutie
Koerdies Qalibandké
Iers Diúltú do aistritheoir ag
Afrikaans Vertaling-insluitend-verwerping
Mongools Орчуулгыг татгалзах
Hindi अनुवादक-कारणों के साथ-अस्वीकृति
Viëtnamees Khi có quá nhiều lá»—i
Source language
Engels Discussion-translation-members.
When you are not sure, we advise you to start a discussion about the translation to require the help of other members.

Vertalings gedaan
Turks Tartışma-çeviri-üyeler.
Nederlands Discussie-vertaling-leden
Duits diskussion-übersetzung-mitglieder
Esperanto diskutado-traduko-membroj
Frans Décision-conseillons-traduction
Japannees Discussion-translation-members.
Katalaans Discussió-traducció-membres
Spaans Discusión-traducción-miembros
Sloweens Pogovor-prevod-člani
Sjinees vereenvoudig 讨论-翻译-会员
Arabies مناقشة-ترجمة-أعضاء
Italiaans Scelta-consigliamo-traduzione
Bulgaars Дискусия-превод-членове
Romeens Discuţie-traducere-membri
Russies Дискуссия-перевод-члены
Portugees Discuta-tendo-duvida
Hebreeus When you are not sure
Albanies when you are
Pools Niepewny-dyskusja
Sweeds Osäker
Deens Diskussion-oversættelse-medlemmer
Hongaars Fordítás megvitatása a tagokkal
Fins Keskustelu-käännös-jäsenet
Serwies Diskusija-prevodi-clanovi
Sjinees 當你不確定時
Grieks Συζήτηση-μετάφραση-μέλη
Hindi वार्तालाप–अनुवाद–सदस्यों
Kroasies Diskusija-prevodi-clanovi
Engels Discussion-translation-request
Noors Discussion-translation-members
Koreaans 토론-번역-요청하기
Tsjeggies Diskuzi-překladu-vyžádali
Farsie-Persies گفتگو-ترجمه-درخواست
Slowaaks Diskusia - preklad - žiadosť
Iers Comhrá idir na haistritheoirí
Mongools Орчуулгандаа эргэлзвэл
Afrikaans Diskussie-vertaling-lede
Viëtnamees Thảo luận-dịch thuật-yêu cầu
Source language
Engels Export-language-file
Export to a language file
What is the exportation process? For example, you have 3 translations in your project. For the English language the 3 texts are "Home", "Directory", "Help". You can export the 3 translations to a file with a given template. For example you want the lines of your file being like «MyTranslation_[transref]="[trans]";»
Then when you export the 3 translations of your project you will create a file (that we call language file because it represents the english language for your project) that will be like this :


Vertalings gedaan
Bulgaars Експортирай-езиков-файл
Sweeds Exportera-språkfil
Romeens Export-fişier-limbă
Albanies Spostoje te fajli i gjuhës
Arabies صدّر -ملف-لغة
Hebreeus hebrew translation
Duits Sprachdatei-exportieren
Portugees Exportar-arquivo-idioma
Nederlands Exporteren naar een taalbestand
Italiaans Esportare-file-linguistico
Spaans Exportalo a un archivo de lenguaje
Japannees Export-language-file
Turks Dil dosyasına ihraç et
Russies Передача-язык-файл
Katalaans Exportar-arxiu-llengua
Sjinees vereenvoudig 导入-语言-文件
Sjinees 導入-語言-文件
Esperanto Eksporti-lingvo-dosiero
Kroasies Eksport-jezik-datoteka
Grieks Εξαγωγή σε αρχείο γλώσσας
Serwies Eksport - jezik - datoteka
Pools Wyeksportuj-językowy-plik
Deens Flyt til en sprogfil
Fins Vie-kieli-tiedosto
Hongaars Exportálás nyelvi állományba
Noors Eksport-språk-fil
Koreaans 언어 파일로 보내기
Tsjeggies Export-jazykový-soubor
Farsie-Persies ارسال-زبان-فایل
Slowaaks export - jazykový súbor
Litaus Eksportuoti į kalbos failą.
Koerdies Ji dosye zimenre bishine
Afrikaans Uitvoer-taal-leêr
Thai ส่งออกไฟล์ภาษา
13Source language13
Engels The language being taught
When translating a language course, be careful not to translate the words written in the language being taught!
For example, you have a french lesson commented in english :
« "Bonjour" means "Hello" »
If you want to translate the lesson into italian it will be :
« "Bonjour" significa "Buongiorno" »

In this example the french language is the taught language and the english and spanish languages are the languages used to comment the lesson. "Bonjour" is kept untranslated.

Vertalings gedaan
Romeens Traducere-limbă-netradus!
Duits Übersetzen-Sprachkurs-unübersetzt!
Sjinees 翻譯-語言-不翻譯!
Brasiliaanse Portugees Traduzir-idioma-não-traduzido!
Portugees Traduzir-idioma-não-traduzido!
Albanies Perkthyer-gjuhe-joperkthyer!
Italiaans Traduzione - lingua - non tradotta!
Arabies ترجمة-لغة-بدون ترجمة!
Turks çeviri-dil-çevirilmemiş
Sjinees vereenvoudig 翻译-语言-未翻译!
Esperanto Tradukante-lingvon-netradukitan!
Katalaans Traduint-llengua-sense traduir
Sweeds Översätta-språk-oöversatt
Hebreeus שימו-לב-תירגום
Nederlands Wees voorzichtig
Russies Перевод-язык-не переводить!
Spaans Traducion-lengua-no traducidas
Japannees 翻訳-言語-未翻訳!
Bulgaars Превод-език-не превеждай
Hongaars fordítás-nyelv-lefordítatlan
Grieks μεταφράζοντας-γλώσσα-αμετάφραστη!
Tsjeggies Jazyk který je vyučován
Source language
Engels greeting
have a nice day!
I need to wish somebody a nice day, like a felicitation. I really want him/her to feel that I wish him/her the best.

Vertalings gedaan
Arabies ترحيب
Source language
Engels Translation-interrogation-exclamation
The translation must take into account the specific rules of the target language. For example in Spanish the reverse interrogation or exclamation point comes before the sentence, in Japanese the sentences end with "。" ( not with "." ) and there is no space before the next sentence, etc...

Vertalings gedaan
Nederlands Vetaling-overhoring-uitroep
Esperanto traduko-demando-krisigno
Frans Traduction-spécifiques-d'interrogation
Duits Ãœbersetzung-Fragezeichen-Ausrufezeichen
Russies Перевод-вопрос-восклицание
Katalaans Traducció-interrogació-exclamació
Spaans Traducción-interrogación-exclamación
Japannees Translation-interrogation-exclamation
Sloweens prevod - posebna pravila
Sjinees vereenvoudig 翻译-问号-感叹号
Arabies ترجمة-استجواب-استفهام
Italiaans Traduzione-specifiche-interrogativo
Turks Çeviri - sorgulama - ünlem
Bulgaars Превод - питане - междуметие
Romeens Traducere-întrebare-exclamaţie
Portugees tradução-interrogações-exclamações
Hebreeus תרגום - שאלה - קריאה
Albanies Përkthime-pikepyetje-pikeçuditese
Sweeds Specifika regler
Deens Oversættelse-spørgsmål-udråb
Hongaars Fordítás-kérdés-felkiáltás
Grieks Μετάφραση-ερώτηση-θαυμαστικό
Serwies Prevod-upitni-uzvicni
Fins Käännös-kysymys-huudahdus
Sjinees 翻譯-問號-感嘆號
Brasiliaanse Portugees Tradução- interrogação- exclamação
Kroasies Prevod-upitni-uzvicni
Pools translation-tlumaczenie
Engels Translation-exclamation-sentences
Noors Oversettelse-Spørsmål-utrops
Koreaans 번역-감탄사-문장
Tsjeggies Překlad-vykřičník-věty
Farsie-Persies ترجمه-علامت-جملات
Slowaaks Preklad - zvolacie vety a otázky
Iers Aistriúchán-ceist-agall
Afrikaans Vertaling-vraagteken-uitroepteken
Hindi अनुवाद-समबोधन-वाक्य
Viëtnamees Việc phiên dịch phải giải thích những quy định đặc biệt cho ngôn ngữ mục tiêu.
10Source language10
Engels Languages-submitted-translation
All the languages of your last submitted translation

Vertalings gedaan
Frans Dernière-demande-traduction
Esperanto lingvoj-metita-traduko
Duits Sprachen-vorgelegt-Ãœbersetzung
Japannees Languages-submitted-translation
Katalaans Idiomes-traducció-enviada
Spaans Idiomas-traducción-enviada
Turks Lisan-eklenen-çeviri
Nederlands Talen-verzonden-vertaling
Sjinees vereenvoudig 语言-递交的-翻译
Arabies لغات-خضعت-ترجمة
Russies Языки-запрошенных-переводов
Bulgaars езици-изпратени-преводи
Romeens Toate-limbile-cerut
Portugees Idiomas-tradução-pedida
Hebreeus Languages-submitted-translation-Hebrew
Italiaans Lingue-traduzione-inviata
Albanies gjuhët-prezantuar-perkthim
Pools Języki_tłumaczenia
Sweeds Alla språk
Deens Sprog-oversatte-oversættelse
Estnies Keeled-lisatud-tõlge
Serwies Jezici-postavljenog-prevoda
Hongaars A fordítás kívánt nyelve
Fins Kielet-lähetetty-käännös
Litaus Kalbos - pateiktas vertimas
Sjinees translating to traditional Chinese
Engels Languages-submitted-translation
Grieks Γλώσσες-υποβληθείσα-μετάφραση
Kroasies Jezici-postavljenog-prevoda
Noors Språkene-innsendte-oversettelse
Koreaans 언어들-게시한-번역물
Tsjeggies Jazyky-zadaného-překladu
Farsie-Persies زبانها-پیشنهاد شده-ترجمه
Slowaaks Jazyky zadaného prekladu
Koerdies Ziman-radestkirin-werger
Iers Na teangain go léir ded aistriúchán deireannach
Afrikaans Tale-voorgelê-vertaling
Mongools Ашигласан бvх хэлнvvдээ сонгох
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